Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I am a Malay first, says Muhyiddin

KUALA LUMPUR, March 31 — Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (picture) said today that he considered himself a “Malay first,” and then only a Malaysian, in response to a challenge issued by DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang.

Lim had earlier this morning challenged Muhyiddin to state that he was Malaysian first, and Malay second to prove that he did indeed believe in the concept of 1 Malaysia which had been Barisan Nasional’s “unifying” slogan under the leadership of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

“I am Malay first! But being Malay does not mean you are not Malaysian. It is not a race issue. It’s an understanding of the term gagasan. I dont think Kit Siang understands what the word gagasan means,” said the DPM.

Muhyiddin, who is also Barisan Nasional Deputy Chairman claimed that Lim’s persistence in the matter was a Pakatan Rakyat (PR) tactic to try and drive a wedge between him and Najib.

“The question of 1 Malaysia should not be brought up. When a leader talks about the interest of his own race, it does not mean he doesn’t support 1 Malaysia. 1 Malaysia is based on the Constitution.”

“There is nothing wrong in leaders fighting for their own race. Don’t tell me Kit Siang does not fight for the Chinese?” he said.

Muhyiddin also accused Lim of using the benchmark of “middle Malaysia” on him, which was not applicable.

“I challenge Kit Siang to come out and say that PAS and PKR supports the concept of Middle Malaysia... can he do that? They don’t support it. It’s only a DAP slogan.”

“Look at Barisan Nasional, 13 component parties of different races and all believing in the message of 1 Malaysia. His (Kit Siang) party is a chauvinist party.”

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