Thursday, March 4, 2010

What is wrong with the Attorney General who is empowered by the almighty Malaysian Constitution to oversee wrong doings of citizens top to bottom? He is proving time and again that he is the most unworthy AG in Malaysian history.

Recently a group of reporters from a local magazine called Islam went so called undercover into the Church of St Anthony purportedly to investigate claims of Muslim Malay youths being made Murtads and also the use of the word Allah. They attended the prayers and took the white breads. Thereafter they wrote it into n article in the abovesaid magazine.

The AG have decided that charging the Al-Islam magazine editors and reporters who offended Catholics in an article would have been “not in the interest of justice”. Is he offering protection to a group of people who have not had the decency to apologise for their actions?

Bernama quoted Gani as saying the actions of the two reporters might have hurt the feelings of the people but he was satisfied that they did not intend to offend anyone and it was an act of sheer ignorance.

Fact is, Gani treated the desecration of the host (not simply white bread as he stated) as a flippant act. It is a rite holy to the Catholics and not just a treat at the end of prayers. This shows that even a person holding a high office as Gani does not have basic knowledge of other religions in this country. Maybe its time for even for the Muslims to learn what is in the other major religions in this country to nurture better understanding and respect? After basic physchology says that man become afraid and suspicious of what they don't understand?

He justified his action by citing previous decisions based on the situations in that particular time and not just on law.

I wonder what would have been his stance if a couple of Non Muslim reporters went into Mosque?

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